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Affidavit Of Joint Ownership


STATE OF: [State of Affidavit]

COUNTY OF: [County of Affidavit]

We, the undersigned, whose names and addresses are:

[Enter names and addresses of all affiants]

being first duly sworn, upon our oaths do solemnly swear under penalty of perjury that:

We hereby declare that we own the following property: [Enter Description of Property]

each as to an equal undivided interest, jointly with right of survivorship, not as tenants in common. Upon the death of any one of us, the survivor or survivors shall own the property automatically, without necessity of probate of said property.

Signed at:
[Enter Address Where signed]


Affiants full signature

Affiants full signature

Affiants full signature

Affiants full signature

I, [Name of Notary] a resident of [State of notary] and notary public in and for the state and county named above, who am duly commissioned and sworn and legally authorized to administer oaths and affirmations, hereby certify that on [Date] [Name of Affiants] who are known to me personally to be the affiants in the above affidavit, appeared before me and, after being first duly sworn by me under penalty of perjury, swore on their oaths to the truth of the facts in the above affidavit, and signed and acknowledged said affidavit in my presence, of their own free will, and for the purposes explained in said affidavit.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this [Date signed by notary].

Notary Signature

(SEAL) My Commission Expires: